Psycho III (1986)
20K Genre Horror Mystery Thriller Angele Ritter Anthony Perkins Arpita Chate Bipin Maniar Chaitanya Tamhane Charles Edward Pogue Diana Scarwid Diane Rodriguez Donovan Scott Gary Bayer Geetanjali Kulkarni Hugh Gillin Hugo Stanger Jack Murdock Jeff Fahey Juliette Cummins Jyoti Patel Karen Hensel Katt Shea Kay Heberle Lee Garlington Lisa Ives Mansi Multani Panna Mehta Patience Cleveland Pradeep Joshi Robert Alan Browne Robert Bloch Roberta Maxwell Shirish Pawar Steve Guevara Sukhdas Suryawanshi Usha Bane Vira Sathidar Vivek Gomber 1986 6.5 Anthony Perkins English West Germany
Psycho III: Directed by Anthony Perkins. With Anthony Perkins, Diana Scarwid, Jeff Fahey, Roberta Maxwell. Norman Bates falls in love with a fallen nun who stays at the Bates Motel alongside a drifter and a curious reporter. Meanwhile, “Mother” is still watching.
“Psycho 3***1/2[3 1/2 Stars]- This is truly the best Psycho and one of the best slashers ever made. Anthony Perkins gives his best performance as Norman Bates yet and he directs just as well as Alfred Hitchcock in his directorial day-view. Better and more killing scenes. Norman Bates is crazier than ever and in this movie hes a true psycho. The whole truth about Normans mother is revealed and the ending is awesome with a great twist.”