Falls the Shadow (2011)
52K Action Genre Horror Thriller Andrew Frazier Anthony Jastrow Bethany Berryessa Catherine Birdsong Daniel Hackman David Eby Forest Carbaugh Gary Douglas Joanna Hackman John Dallas Birchfield Jordan Bakke Ken Dewhirst Luke Hatmaker Nomalanga Eniafe Olivia Bishop Paul Thomas Ethridge Ron Berryessa Sam Dalton Steven Berryessa Teresa Berryessa 2011 6.3 English Steven Berryessa United States
Falls the Shadow: Directed by Steven Berryessa. With Jordan Bakke, Bethany Berryessa, Ron Berryessa, Steven Berryessa. Three years after the War, the United States is destroyed. Civilization has devolved into anarchy and tribalism. A soldier, Michael, finally comes home, only to find his wife murdered and his daughter kidnapped. Accompanied by a disparate group of survivors, he leads the hunt to find his kidnapped daughter and kill the Reverend whose neo-Confederate tribe was responsible. Falls the Shadow is a story of hope, love, and the power of community for good and evil, set in the wasteland remains of the South.