Toss It (2019)
45K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Allison Frasca Andrew Hendrick Blair Ross Eric Goss Jennifer Wilson McGuire Jenny Zerke Kerry Malloy Lee Fitzpatrick Lorna Chin Malachy McCourt Michele Remsen Paul Davee Paul Maggio Pete Walters Phil Burke Philip Martin Rachel Lynn Jackson Richard Vetere Shelley Dague Stephen Bogardus 2019 5.5 English Germany Michele Remsen
Toss It: Directed by Michele Remsen. With Phil Burke, Michele Remsen, Blair Ross, Stephen Bogardus. Anti-Romantic-Comedy starts where most rom-coms end – then gets real. Four funny flawed fierce females discover what they don’t know: about themselves, their families and Western Civilization.
“There are so many quotable lines in this razor sharp, surprisingly sweet film. Iu0026#39;m grateful that itu0026#39;s in the world!”