The Jade Pendant (2017)
23K Drama Genre History Western Brian Yang Chen Tang Clara Lee David Assael Devin K. Hansen Duy Beck Godfrey Gao Jake Arvizo Kami Christiansen L.P. Leung Leia Choi Leo Faulkner Mark Boone Junior Matthew Ziff Nina Wu Perry Yung Po-Chih Leong Raymond Ma Russell Wong Scott M. Rosenfelt Sue Wong Tingting Guan Tsai Chin Tzi Ma 2017 4.7 English Po-Chih Leong United States
The Jade Pendant: Directed by Po-Chih Leong. With Godfrey Gao, Clara Lee, Tzi Ma, Mark Boone Junior. A tragic love story set against the lynching of 18 Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles, in 1871. Filmed in Utah.
“Itu0026#39;s a history that no one wants to look back. I end up really enjoyed the love stories, between the main characters, the son and dad, the madam and her girl.”