Fist & Furious (2019)
25K Action Genre Ali Eren Sayar Ali Oguz Senol Alperen Caglar Altan Erkekli Bengi Idil Uras Ceyda Kasabali Eda Yilmaz Feriha Eyüpoglu Firat Albayram Furkan Kandemir Füsun Demirel Gökhan Ari Harry Oram J. Cheung Mehmet Ali Tugay Murat Ormiyak Nihan Tarhan Oguzhan Gül Onur Yaprakçi Selahattin Can Yildirim Serkan Oruc Servan Can Ulukan Agdas 2019 6.8 Gökhan Ari South Korea Turkish
Fist u0026 Furious: With J. Cheung, Harry Oram. VJ Kuk-hyun is freelance reporter who has six sense of catching exclusive event. Gi-man is a detective who is living through trauma from losing his partner. With these two together, things are about to get ugly.
“Wow, this movie was quite a surprise. Saw it advertised on Viki, thought might check it out. I am glad I did. Good story, believable characters and the amazing fight scenes. I didnu0026#39;t think that I could see anything new when it comes to hand to hand fighting scenes, but I was wrong. The other viewers liked the movie as well, as I could see from the reviews on the website.”