Color Me You (2017)
62K Drama Family Genre Romance Billy Austin Brandon Mason Breck Gallini Brittney Dubose Buck Taylor Casey Grisham Christina Burdette Cody Daniel Danni Tamburro Donny Boaz Gary Allen Glenn Morshower Kaley Caperton Kameron Badgers Katie Walker Lauren Faddis Marco Bottiglieri Matt Socia Michael Benefield Morgan Roberts Natalie Fisher Staci Davis Tanya Foster Terrie Cooklin 2017 5.7 English Marco Bottiglieri United States
Color Me You: Directed by Marco Bottiglieri. With Kaley Caperton, Katie Walker, Christina Burdette, Morgan Roberts. Kat Abernathy must live up to her family name by attending law school and working for her family practice, until she is challenged to create a second identity for herself in order to pursue, defend and protect her passion as a painter.
“For a first feature film made by a young director with a small budget, this movie deserves a shoutout. A good family movie with a positive message and wonderful cinematography that would totally fit in the Lifetime or Hallmark channels.”