Darling Nikki (2019)
22K Drama Genre Andy Gates Bogdan Szumilas Brent Baisley Christo Dimassis Elana Krausz Farah Mokrani Gregory Hatanaka James Duval Jamie Bernadette Kari Alison Hodge Kennedy Del Toro Lisa London Martin Harris Matt Easton Natalie Popovic Nicole D'Angelo Patricia Healy Rich Mallery Sal Landi Steve Polites Tad Atkinson Zoltan Kovacs 2019 4.7 English Gregory Hatanaka United States
Darling Nikki: Directed by Gregory Hatanaka. With Nicole D’Angelo, James Duval, Jamie Bernadette, Sal Landi. Nikki is a carefree, fun-loving girl, juggling the men in her life, in her quest for the ultimate love. She soon falls into a fantasy world where she is no longer able to distinguish her real life with her “secret” one.
“I was tricked into watching it for the 400+ people giving it an 8.6 rating. I leave with giving it my rating.”