The Paper Store (2016)
53K Drama Genre Romance Alexandra 'Exie' Robertson Caitlin Mehner Carles Cuevas Clifton Dunn Emma Adele Galvin Esteban Ciudad Johnny McKeown Katharine Clark Gray Katy Olson Kenton Cummings Kepler Auguste Lev Pakman Lex Friedman María Adamuz Nicholas Gray Patrick Hogue Penn Badgley Richard Kind Rob Maitner Sara Palomo Stef Dawson Sveta Zhukovska Toya Lillard 2016 7.7 English Nicholas Gray United States
The Paper Store: Directed by Nicholas Gray. With Stef Dawson, Penn Badgley, Richard Kind, Clifton Dunn. A revenge tale about a former college student who forges essays for cash, the client who becomes her lover, and their professor.
“This film is as exciting as watching paint dry. I would rather have watched a science review of dung beetle mating. The film has no value, the cinematic release of the Flintstones Movie has more theatrical value.”