Running Naked (2020)
39K Comedy Drama Genre Andrew Gower Andy Chaplin Anthony Webster Craig Ostrouchow Emma Stansfield James Senneck Jennifer Knowles Kerry Sirrell Kiran Sonia Sawar Mark Atkin Matthew Ehlers Matthew McNulty Nick Wilson Phillip Parnell Phoebe Jones Rakhee Thakrar Richard Nunn Sacha Parkinson Samuel Bottomley Tamzin Merchant Tom Durant Pritchard Tony Crookes Victor Buhler 2020 7.2 English United Kingdom Victor Buhler
Running Naked: Directed by Victor Buhler. With Tamzin Merchant, Matthew McNulty, Andrew Gower, Kiran Sonia Sawar. Feel good comedy drama following two friends’ journey through life changing events. Cancer survivors Ben and Mark’s friendship is tested when a piece of news forces them to change their perspectives. Love, friendship and streaking.
“If youu0026#39;ve ever had a loved one diagnosed with cancer youu0026#39;ll understand how beautiful and poingant this story is, but itu0026#39;s a great film for everyone. Wonderfully done.”