German Angst (2015)
37K Drama Fantasy Genre Horror Andreas Marschall Andreas Pape Annika Strauss Axel Holst Daniel Faust Denis Lyons Ewa Nurzynska Goran Mimica Grzegorz Sala Jörg Buttgereit Katarzyna Joda Lila Lorane Lola Gave Lucy Lane Martina Schöne-Radunski Matthan Harris Michael Zenner Michal Dziewanowicz Michal Kosakowski Monika Janik Mucki Roman Szczeblewski Tomira Kowalik Waleria Adamowicz 2015 5.8 Germany Jörg Buttgereit Polish
German Angst: Directed by Jörg Buttgereit, Michal Kosakowski, Andreas Marschall. With Lola Gave, Axel Holst, Michael Zenner, Lila Lorane. Three German tales of love, sex and death in Berlin from Germany’s most shocking directors.
“This film was not for me. Personally I found it very disturbing and perverse, though I admit I made it partway through the second story only. I am not one with a weak stomach but this film managed to actually make me ashamed of my German ancestry. Iu0026#39;m not judging, you might enjoy it and maybe Iu0026#39;m just too sensitive. Like I said, itu0026#39;s just not for me.”