Skin Deep (2015)
5K Drama Genre Adam Gibson Ben McIvor Billie Rose Prichard Elizabeth Blackmore Gael Ballantyne James Collette James Mackay Jeanie Drynan Jonnie Leahy Martin Lewis Monica Trapaga Monica Zanetti Olga Markovic Rebecca Smart Robert Alexander Stephen Multari Takaya Honda Zara Zoe 2015 7 English Germany Jonnie Leahy
Skin Deep: Directed by Jonnie Leahy. With Zara Zoe, James Collette, Jeanie Drynan, Rebecca Smart. A straight-laced young woman, in fierce denial of being diagnosed with terminal melanoma, finds herself carried away on an impulsive adventure by a queer stranger.
“Was surprised at how much I enjoyed this film. Simple storytelling – obviously low budget, but the script is great. They did a lot with what they had.”