Schwesterlein (2020)
20K Drama Genre Dominique Gubser Isabelle Caillat Jenna Hasse Jenny König Jens Albinus Lars Eidinger Leili Yahr Leon David Salazar Linne-Lu Lungershausen Marthe Keller Moritz Gottwald Nicolas Hislaire Nina Hoss Noah Tscharland Paulo dos Santos Pierre-Isaïe Duc Stefanie Günther Pizarro Stéphanie Chuat Thomas Ostermeier Urs Jucker Valerio Scamuffa Véronique Reymond 2020 6.6 German Germany Stéphanie Chuat
Schwesterlein: Directed by Stéphanie Chuat, Véronique Reymond. With Nina Hoss, Lars Eidinger, Marthe Keller, Jens Albinus. Lisa has bid goodbye to her ambitions as a playwright and the Berlin arts scene and now lives in Switzerland with her husband, who runs an international school. When her twin brother falls ill, she returns to Berlin.
“Tender, emotionally effective and masterly performed by two of the greatest contemporary European actors, itu0026#39;s a remarkable story of solidarity, artistic passion and family virtues.”