Below the Fold (2021)
63K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Ainsley Jo Sullivan Anny Aurora Bettina Habig Brandon Kelly Bree Mills Clayton Scott Daniel Compo Davis DeRock Dawn Linneman Ebony Mystique Greg Kirsch Jack McCord Jamie Addison Jeffrey Staab Jennifer Femiano Katie Rohlfing Kaylin Mally Logan Elizabeth Giesing Luke Riggs Manny Bucks Michael Vegas Misty Dixon Paul Hoover Rick Daniels Sara Scott Sarah McGuire Scott Lucas Siouxsie Q. Tobi Omodehinde Tori Cummings 2021 Bettina Habig Canada English null
Below the Fold: Directed by Clayton Scott. With Davis DeRock, Sarah McGuire, Jamie Addison, Daniel Compo. Without a trace, Susie Potter vanished from her home in the quiet town of Skidmore, Missouri. Ten years later two reporters uncover a harrowing new detail, which leads them on an obsessive hunt for the truth through the dark labyrinth of rural northwest Missouri.
“When you watch Below the Fold, it looks like you are watching a good movie, but when you watch the end, it feels like something is wrong. The director doesnu0026#39;t know exactly what to show. The film could have been better than this. Bye the way, its ok for one time watching only.”