Here Comes Rusty (2016)
29K Comedy Genre Alan L Hardy Jr. Alton Landry Brandon Niederauer Brent Nevison Bruce Hampton Deanna Rashell Fred Willard George Hardy Jan Falk Joey Lauren Adams Judd Lormand Lance E. Nichols Leslie Steele Mark Anthony Cox Mark Borchardt Paulie Litt Pierce Wortham Rik Bonds Ron Goleman Theodus Crane Tyler Russell William Ross Smith 2016 5.1 English Tyler Russell United States
Here Comes Rusty: Directed by Tyler Russell. With Joey Lauren Adams, Fred Willard, Judd Lormand, Mark Borchardt. A reluctant dog track owner tries to outrun his problems with the bet of a lifetime.
“A star for Fred, one for JLA, and one for Taz…the rest of this thing? Iu0026#39;m not sure anything happened.”