Death of a Fool (2020)
56K Adventure Fantasy Genre Mystery Alex Bernadotte Benji Leon Daniel Capote Denise Sanchez Gene Gabriel George Schiavone Hugo Fuentes Isadora Leiva Ismael Gomez III Jacinth Sherisse Joe Leone Lilian Cordova Mario Ernesto Sánchez P.J. Martinez Susanne Kreitman Taylor Vanessa Elise Zully Montero 2020 5.8 English Ismael Gomez III United States
Death of a Fool: Directed by Ismael Gomez III. With Mario Ernesto Sánchez, Benji Leon, Gene Gabriel, Zully Montero. A teenager and his dying grandfather conduct afterlife investigations in Miami when a mysterious man hires them to find the secret to immortality.
“Enjoyed this family movie immensely. The actors were great and loved the feelings portrayed by the Grandfather and Pablo. With a bit of a mystery the film touches on many important subjects – death, afterlife, religion and what is our purpose on earth. Highly recommend if you like family films.”