Happy Horror Days (2020)
33K Genre Horror Adam Beigel Alexandra Boylan Amy Baklini Arielle Brachfeld Beau van Erven Dorens Bel Deliá Bob Fosko Brandon Conner Brian C. Chenworth Brooke Bradshaw Camilla Siegertsz Cees Geel Charly Prick Colin Costello Curtis Schultz Cynthia Abma Darren Lynn Bousman Dean Saunders Ellen Ten Damme Francis Cronin Frank Awick Hannah Carleton Ivet Corvea Jasmin Pasteuning Jeronimo van Ballegoijen Jessica Sonneborn John K.D. Graham John van den Heuvel Jon Karthaus Jon Sonneborn Lauren Chavez-Myers Loek Peters Matt McWilliams Micah Cohen Michael Antosy Michelle Bernard Pearl Jozefzoon Rene Aranda Richard Galli Rick Mackenbach Ronan Barbour Sanne Vogel Stephan Evenblij Tara Hetharia Taylor Cross Tjeerd Melchers Vito Trabucco Wesley Alley Whitney Alley Will Wissink Zebi Damen 2020 7.2 English United States Wesley Alley
Happy Horror Days: Directed by Wesley Alley, Bel Deliá, Richard Galli, John K.D. Graham, Matt McWilliams, Curtis Schultz, Jessica Sonneborn, Jon Sonneborn, Vito Trabucco. With Brooke Bradshaw, Wesley Alley, Whitney Alley, Michael Antosy. Voices…HORRIFIC Content…Right Here In The Holiday Of Horrors.
“As everyone here is stating the 4th of July segment was the worst in the whole movie. The others were unfished or just a mess that you wondered why this was made. The ones I did like was Candy and the Hanukkah one. I did like the Christmas story one at the end but only because the female nude actor looked hot. Watch this movie if youu0026#39;re bored and got nothing to do.”