How It Ends (2018)
11K Action Drama Genre Mystery Aaron Hughes Aidan Ritchie Anett Rumanoczky Brooks McLaren Cheryl Gensiorek David M. Rosenthal Drew Jensen Eric Keenleyside Forest Whitaker Grace Dove Harpreet Singh Kanda J.J. Ramberg Josh Cruddas Kat Graham Lanie McAuley Nancy Sorel Nicole Ari Parker Rick Skene RJ Fetherstonhaugh Ron Verwymeren Storm Greyeyes Theo James 2018 5.8 David M. Rosenthal English Germany
How It Ends: Directed by David M. Rosenthal. With Theo James, Kat Graham, Nancy Sorel, Nicole Ari Parker. In the midst of an apocalypse, a man struggles to reach his pregnant wife, who is thousands of miles away.
“Man loses girl. Man looks for girl, then…….actually I canu0026#39;t be bothered. I would finish this review but Iu0026#39;m doing what the movie did. Stop abruptly with no ending.”