After the Storm (2016)
14K Comedy Drama Genre Akemi Higashiyama Daisuke Kuroda Hirokazu Koreeda Hiroshi Abe Izumi Matsuoka Kanji Furutachi Kazuya Takahashi Lily Franky Makoto Nakamura Michie Ikeda Mickey Curtis Rie Minemura Ryôko Tateishi Satomi Kobayashi Shôno Hayama Sôsuke Ikematsu Taiyô Yoshizawa Yôko Imamoto Yôko Maki Yukiyoshi Ozawa Yuri Nakamura 2016 7.8 Hirokazu Koreeda Japan Japanese
After the Storm: Directed by Hirokazu Koreeda. With Hiroshi Abe, Yôko Maki, Satomi Kobayashi, Lily Franky. After the death of his father, a private detective struggles to find child support money and reconnect with his son and ex-wife.
“Koreeda always knows how to make deep character portrayals that are calm on the surface but roiling underneath.”