Walhalla (1986)
52K Adventure Animation Family Genre Alice Franz Allan Corduner Benny Hansen Claus Ryskjær Dagmar Heller Dick Kaysø Hans Clarin Henning Kure Jeffrey James Varab Jesper Klein Kirsten Rolffes Laura Bro Manfred Erdmann Marie Ingerslev Michael Elphick Nis Bank-Mikkelsen Olaf Nielsen Percy Edwards Peter Madsen Preben Kristensen Radost Bokel Søren Håkansson Susse Wold Thomas Eje 1986 6.2 Danish Peter Madsen West Germany
Walhalla: Directed by Peter Madsen, Jeffrey James Varab. With Dick Kaysø, Preben Kristensen, Laura Bro, Marie Ingerslev. Through Loki’s treachery, two children in the Viking age find themselves spirited away into the world of Norse Mythology.
“The plot is decent, but it has good animation and the soundtrack is excellent; I recommend it if you like Danish animated films.”