The Funeral Guest (2015)
45K Comedy Drama Family Genre Addian Hinds Alicia Minshew C. Stephen Browder Carl Harry Carlson Constance Brenneman Janet Colson Jonathan Roumie Julianna Robinson Mark Inglot Matt Eyde Matthew Kohnen Nathan Daly Nathaniel Eyde Nick Eyde Olli Haaskivi Paul Evansen Sarah Goeke Sean Kohnen Shirley Benyas Steve Haselschwerdt Sugar Lyn Beard Treasheer D. Allison 2015 5.9 English Matthew Kohnen United States
The Funeral Guest: Directed by Matthew Kohnen. With Julianna Robinson, Nick Eyde, Sugar Lyn Beard, Alicia Minshew. A lonely girl seeks love, connection and family by crashing funerals.
“This was a real surprise for me. iu0026#39;m not a fan of funerals, but this was a very poignant story of a lady lost and longing for a family she has never really had. her love and giving to a family in moarning was inspiring even though she did it on a false pretense. not for action lovers, but for those into sentimental movies that tug at the heart.”