1 Chance 2 Dance (2014)
18K Drama Family Genre Adam Deyoe Adam Powell Alexia Dox Alison Lees-Taylor Bri Parcel Christopher M. Robbins Diana Hart Diane Chernansky Elizabeth Snoderly Emily Deahl Grainne McDermott Jake Helgren Justin Ray Kalilah Harris Kim Chueh Lexi Giovagnoli Lloyd Kaufman Mason Trueblood Poonam Basu Rae Latt Sean McBride Teresa Biter Vincent Giovagnoli 5.8 Adam Deyoe English Germany
1 Chance 2 Dance: Directed by Adam Deyoe. With Lexi Giovagnoli, Justin Ray, Rae Latt, Poonam Basu. When a seventeen-year old aspiring dancer is uprooted mid-semester of her senior year, she finds herself in a small East Coast high school where her heart will be divided between two boys, and she will have one last shot at making her big dream of becoming a dancer a reality.