Dance Together (2019)
57K Family Genre Amanda Richer Brittany Kay Clara Pasieka Courtney Deelen Dale Whibley Daniel Stolfi Emilia McCarthy Emily Andrews Indrani De Silva Isaac Lupien Kevin Lien Kira Murphy Logan Fabbro Malcolm Messado Fletcher Rae Rezwell Ramona Milano Richard Young Safiya Renee Ricketts Steven Song Taveeta Szymanowicz Tyler Murree William Clarke 2019 7.2 Canada English Kevin Lien
Dance Together: Directed by Kevin Lien, Steven Song. With Kira Murphy, Rae Rezwell, Logan Fabbro, Emilia McCarthy. An injured dancer and a shy Deaf girl overcome bullies, disability stigma, and other high school obstacles, developing a beautiful friendship amidst original and licensed songs and stunning choreography.