Northwood Pie (2019)
45K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Adam Garza Aj Hamilton Amir Malaklou Andrea Knaak Annika Foster Cole Ratcliff Destiny Mounce Dominic Syracuse Elisabeth Steen-Nokleberg Jay Salahi Jeff Hernandez Johnny Chang Kristina Cohen Mendel Fogelman Nathan Rickard Paul LeSchofs Sean Lamping Todd Knaak Trevor Larson Walter Moise 2019 9.1 Jay Salahi United States
Northwood Pie: Directed by Jay Salahi. With Johnny Chang, Kristina Cohen, Mendel Fogelman, Annika Foster. Community college burn out in the making, Crispin, lands his first job at the local, rundown Northwood Pizza. And through his experiences with friends, coworkers, and a kindling relationship, Crispin learns to embrace his higher ambitions.
“Give me a comedy that makes me feel right at home with its characters and Iu0026#39;m in. I felt throughout like Iu0026#39;d met them all somewhere before in my own crazy burb past. Credit goes to Northwoodu0026#39;s terrific dialogue, the writer who wrote it and the lively cast who delivered it. Donu0026#39;t miss this well-paced coming of age indie comedy. Order a pie and enjoy.”