Final Score (2018)
29K Action Drama Genre Thriller Alexandra Dinu Bill Fellows Craig Conway Dave Bautista David T. Lynch Gordon Alexander John Anderson Jonathan Frank Jonathan Pearce Keith Lynch Lara Peake Lee Rogers Lucy Gaskell Martyn Ford Matt Lorenzo Nick Rowntree Peter Pedrero Pierce Brosnan Ray Stevenson Rian Gordon Rufus Brevett Scott Mann Tony Cottee Victoria Broom 2018 6.4 English Scott Mann United Kingdom
Final Score: Directed by Scott Mann. With Martyn Ford, Gordon Alexander, Alexandra Dinu, Peter Pedrero. After deadly terrorists abduct his niece at a soccer match, an ex-soldier with lethal fighting skills wages a one-man war to save her and prevent mass destruction.
“Not sure why this movie is getting the hate. It does not pretend to be anything but a fun, entertaining die hard type movie.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eGrab the snacks and enjoy some, British humour, fun fight scenes, silly stunts.”